Innovation That Flavors Your Success


  1. Seasoning SolutionsOil based, Slurry, Dry Dozing, Hybrid (Dry Dozing + Oil Spray), Syrup based.
  2. Our Dynamic Weigh Based Seasoning System precisely measures proportionate wet or dry ingredients into the flow.
  3. Our Vibratory Feeders are ideal for producing precise controlled product flow.
  4. Our solutions are designed to accurately match your recipe.
  5. Custom made to suit various throughputs and applications.
  6. Caters to a wide spectrum of industries: Snacks like Pellets, Puffs, Cheetos, Nachos etc., Breakfast Cereals, Nuts, and Potato Products.
  7. Minimal Seasoning Loss and Product Breakage
  8. Our systems are versatile, easy to clean and we provide tumble rum applicators in various designs and adheres to the principles of GMP.
  9. Ensures Compliance

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